Game (Not Yet) Over
Hi all!! Turns out that we still have the problems on the game (ouch..). The sprite character that we used is in the form of an octopus. Originally, the octopus is surrounded by a bubble and then a larger white box frame on the outer part. We have edited it using Photo Shop so that the box and the bubble became transparent. So, when we play the game, the sprite should be merely the octopus without its' bubble and frame. But when we try to run it on the phone, suddenly the bubble and the box appeared!! So, I guess we will still have to "fight" with Photo Shop tomorrow :) There is also some problems concerning the format of the documentation. Some of my classmates made it in the form of a tutorial. Some said that it should be in the form of (nearly) a thesis, and I really certainly absolutely hope that this is not right :p I really think it's better if we ask directly to the lecturer to get a clear and true answer, right? I personally hope that the documentation will ta...