Sleepy Blogging

Dear all,

Do you know that I just wake up from my "accidental" sleep after I got home at 7?? Wow, I feel dizzy everytime I sleep accidentaly (except in class :p) My eyes are still blurry, but I've got a blog to write as a part of my college assignments, I am.....trying so hard to focus on the computer screen ><

Well, what can I report for today? Let's see... Game, right? Hmm.. Today my partner and I listed all the images that we still needed for the game. There were about 7 to 8 pictures, but for today we only managed to make 2 because of the tight schedule from teaching-going to the chapel for the mass-studying. But, I guess that's better than nothing, right ^^ So, we'll meet again tomorrow to make another 2 pictures (or more, hopefully), and discuss our presentation this Friday.

Amusing things happened to me today. As I've told you, today is the Ash Wednesday. All Catholic people around the world have to attend the Ash Wednesday mass where we are given the cross sign on our forehead from the ash, as the symbol of repentance, preparing ourselves for the Easter Day. So, I attended the mass at my campus along with my colleagues and a friend. The mass was held at 12. Of course there's the preach from the priest. I'm not usually fond of this part, but today it's different. The preach was very interesting and contextual. He told us to re-define "fasting" as we now live in a very different era from back then. We live in an era where there's too much information that often makes us do something wrong or useless. The example was the existence of Facebook and Twitter. So, he challenged us by offering 2 alternatives in preparing ourselves in this pre-Easter period: the hard way and the soft way. The hard way, we have to NOT to open our Facebook and Twitter account until the Easter Day, or at least every Friday. The soft way, we have to reduce our frequency in opening those websites, then we have to make each status we post meaningful, not some trash like "I can't live without you" stuff :p.

So, I decided to choose the hard way, because I really want to try to have this "good silence" and focus more on something else that's more useful. Thus, I'll "disappear" for a while from Facebook :p After the mass, I had my meal for today ('coz we are fasting starting from today now) then went to the college for my 3 p.m. class. The funny part was when I entered the room, some of my classmates asked me worriedly about what had happened to me. I was confused, of course, 'coz nothing bad had happened to me. Turned out that they were not familiar with the ash cross sign on my forehead :D so I told them that I was fine and it was the symbol of how we celebrated Ash Wednesday. More friends came and almost all of them worried about the same thing. They thought that I fell or got hurt somewhere :) That was very amusing for me ^^ but I was happy to know that they care for me ^^

Fiuhh, still have 2 classes to teach tomorrow, but I'm really tired now. I don't think I can prepare anything right now. I just want to have some rest -.- But before I go to sleep, I'd like to share something. I have this article and it's very entertaining. More reasons for women to stay single and beware of any manipulative boyfriend :p So, read it if you want some laugh and prevent this from happening to you ^^

I Want a Wife! by Judy Syfers

Ok, so....I think that would be enough for today ^^ Have a good night sleep all! God bless us...!!


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