Nice Way to Start My Monday!!

Hi all!! Miss me? No? Okay, no hard feelings :p This is my first post after the assignment where I had to report my progress on the Game Project is done! Meaning to say: this is my first post that I write because I want to. Well, actually it is greatly influenced by my beloved students :) I temporarily teach at a local university in my city, and this semester I have the chance to teach this great class called CRW. It stands for Critical Reading and Writing. At first, it felt like a nightmare! Why? 'coz it is 4 credits in a row!! Can you imagine teaching for more or less 3,5 straight hours?? I was confused of what to do so that they wouldn't sleep out of boredom. Fortunately, they are great students ^^ They're very cooperative and we're just like friends :) Since they are the subject of my thesis, so I ask them to make a blog each. Looking at their blogs made me think. I should also do the same thing like what I've asked them to do. So, here I am, back to writing so...